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First "Public" Performance

Posted by yopasjim on Monday, June 11, 2012

There are those time when you are practicing your list of songs and you say...."This is almost ready to share with the world."   You feel confident!  You feel ready!  So you decide to take it to the world....the public.  And then everything unravels.

We had a special event at our church wife's ordination.  (After 30 years of ministry the church (denomination) ordained her.  She is not going to be preaching or leading a church....but she will continue to work with children as she always has.)  So my wife suggest that I, my son and her play a song together.  We chose "Ode to Joy" (Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee).   I could  tell there were going to be problems as I was getting VERY nervous about 3 days before the event.  I sounded okay in practice and I prayed that God would make my fingers and mind work together (if it was only that easy).

When the time came in the service I was still very nervous and my wife tried calming me down.  My son was playing the recorder, my wife on ukulele and I on my 5 string.  I started us off with an intro and then all three of us played together.  The first time through everything was okay with a few minor misses.  The second time through the wheels came off.  I had blown it!  The people were very gracious and clapped enthusiastically....but I knew I did not nail it.

For my first public performance I feel like I did my best.  But I learned a lot from the experience.  I will keep plugging away.

To be honest....there was a part of me that was so embarrassed that I want to pack the banjo back in the case and sell it.  But I know better.

Okay....those are my thoughts on my first public performance.

11 comments on “First "Public" Performance”

Torben Pedersen Says:
Monday, June 11, 2012 @7:31:49 AM

Congrats to your wife...and great that you did it. Just go on. Next time you will be more relaxed. Take a deep breath, and let your shoulders fall down. I know its easier to write..than do...But I`m sure you can. Every time there is a possibillity, just play...after a`ve got, and feel well about it.

yopasjim Says:
Monday, June 11, 2012 @8:04:28 AM

Thanks for the encouraging words.

Texasbanjo Says:
Monday, June 11, 2012 @8:51:23 AM

Stagefright and butterflies are not unusual. I'll bet you sounded a lot better than you think you did. Remember: people who don't play the banjo (or any stringed instrument) don't hear the mistakes like you do. And, as said above, next time will be easier. Eventually, you'll get where you are nervous, but it doesn't trip you up. Good luck and keep going, you can do it!

yopasjim Says:
Monday, June 11, 2012 @9:10:51 AM

Thank you for your encouraging words too! I went home last night and started to laugh at my mistakes. Shaking my head at my performance. You are right some people probably had no idea. lol

MBCrawford Says:
Monday, June 11, 2012 @12:41:19 PM

Congrats to your wife on her ordination, that is great. I wouldn't worry about it, there are days when even the best have a mess up or two. The main point is that you got up there in front of all those people and did your best and that is a great feat. like you said most people really didn't know the differance and if you told them they still might not know the differance., so you know now what to expect next time, good luck.

yopasjim Says:
Monday, June 11, 2012 @3:20:44 PM

Good words! Thank you!

Banjosnob Says:
Tuesday, June 12, 2012 @3:36:32 AM

There are people out there that WISH they could play the banjo, but never do it. You did it and will continue to learn, play, have fun.
That incident will be a minor bleep in your journey. Now get out there and play again.

kevinwholmes Says:
Tuesday, June 12, 2012 @4:37:57 PM

Congratulations on your performance and the celebration. I've only played in public a few times myself, terrified at first, but now I look forward to more, terrified or not. You will too. As an audience member myself, I am always on the performer's side, and sympathetic and understanding of mistakes... when I can tell when one has been made!

yopasjim Says:
Tuesday, June 12, 2012 @4:53:25 PM

I figured out some of my problem. I learned the song from tabs. Instead of memorizing the song, I put the tabs in front of me. I tried following the tabs and was tied totally to the tabs. Last night I sat down - without tabs - and played it flawlessly. Next time....learn the song....memorize....then play.

yopasjim Says:
Tuesday, June 12, 2012 @4:54:10 PM

Thanks Lynn and Kevin for your comments as well. I GREATLY appreciate the encouragement!

Torben Pedersen Says:
Wednesday, June 13, 2012 @1:46:23 AM

I think you are on the right way......tabs for the same song can be I learn by the tabs.....put theme away...., and just play the songs my way. - thats the right way for me. - Other people do it another way, and thats the right way for theme. - So real good, that you now find your way to do it.
Happy picking..and have a nice time.

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