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The CD Project Has a Name...

Posted by Frailblazer on Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thanks to all of you who have gently nudged me over the past year or so inquiring about the status of my CD project.  I truly appreciate your interest and enthusiasm.  Like most everyone, life can get busy to the point where there's little time left for creative endeavors.  That has been the case for me for the past year but I'm happy to report that things have settled down and I've refocused my attention on recording and completing the CD.  I have a handful of originals and some arrangements that I'm looking forward to adding to the collection of existing recordings. I'm feeling that I might be able to call it "done" at that point.

The title of the CD will be "Resonance"

The definition of this word sums up what I try to achieve with my music:

​res.o.nance​ ​(rez'e'nens)

1. Richness or significance, especially in evoking an association or strong emotion.

2. Intensification and prolongation of sound, especially of a musical tone, produced by sympathetic vibration.

I think that does it for now.  I'll post more updates as I progress.


- Ric

In October of 2011 I had the privilege of being interviewed by Paul Roberts from

You can find the interview here:

3 comments on “The CD Project Has a Name...”

JanetB Says:
Thursday, June 7, 2012 @6:15:38 AM

Oh yes, Rezzo Ric, please put me on your waiting list.

Laurence Diehl Says:
Thursday, June 7, 2012 @8:10:41 AM

Just naming a thing brings it closer to reality. I hope this gives your project the focus it needs for completion - purely for selfish reasons of course! I am a fan as you know, and look forward to buying my copy ASAP!

hobogal Says:
Wednesday, June 13, 2012 @12:02:28 PM

Great - add me to the list too! I hope you will be recording Landing Meadow - love that.

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