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where is the month going???

Posted by BanjoBelle on Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I must confess I was in shock at the date of my last entry. Been busy goin here,there,everywhere and revived my long inactive FB page. Anyone here want me as a friend there,just holler. Did go to the storage unit,got the Aria guitar home I mentioned in the last post and new strings arrived today,and I need to get a wall hanger up. Also got 3 other boxes home to sort thru & found antique-my great grandmother's Metlox casserole dish and some depression glass my mom collected.

   Wanting to get more playing in-now that TV season has drawn to a close,my nights are really gonna be free. At least until football season starts. Gotten back into noodling with harmonicas-my Dad had saved some of mine from my jr high years (I gave it up for fear I'd be considered dorky) and I picked up a few off eBay. Having to relearn from scratch and have a copy of a book I learned out of but lost on the way to me as we speak. I've managed to play "Oh Susannah" and "Camptown races" on it. How many here play banjo & harmonica at the same time? I used to have a rack so I could play guitar & harmonica at the same time. I carry a harmonica in my purse (first time I've done that in years) and have been crocheted  a gig bag of sorts that makes it possible to tote one along on your backpack,belt loop or purse. Need to get into Patriotic tunes as the 4th of July is coming (not to mention Memorial Day)

    Aside from that been noodling on fiddle as well. Will be planting bell peppers and petunias this upcoming weekend along with sunflower seeds. 

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