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RB1 Banjo

Posted by Oalbrets on Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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Well I finally bit the bullit and purchased my dream banjo. kenny Ingram found this banjo for me at Gruhn's and told me about it so I checked it out and was very interested. Timmy Nixon called Gruhn's for me and was told it was an original 1932 five string RB1 with the original neck that has had some repairs done to it. She has a Huber tone ring  installed. This is the rare coke bottle head stock banjo and the S/N is 9468-2. I had the Banjo sent from Gruhn's to John Bouldings shop for a makeover. John put the banjo togeather and came in the chatroom and played it for everyone and I was in shock as to how good this banjo sounds. I will be getting the banjo next week and can hardly wait for it to come. I just wanted to thank Kenny and Timmy and John for all the help in getting my prewar banjo. I will post some pictures when I get the banjo.

14 comments on “RB1 Banjo”

dgill Says:
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 @3:49:10 PM

Congrats Oscar!! Nothing better then a new banjo. I am happy for you pal.

BanjoFlyboy Says:
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 @5:27:18 PM

This is so cool! Like so many I have followed the saga of Oscar and his prewar quest. I am so happy that it has turned out so well! I was privileged to be in the company of several friends today that got to hear what the prewar hype is all about. That old prewar '32 RB 1 is da bomb! Congrats O!!

Oalbrets Says:
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 @8:04:29 PM

Thanks Guys, I am just in Aw

Banjophobic Says:
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 @8:25:56 PM

Yeah Oscar, this banjo is a HOSS! It gets better every time I tweek it. You think it sounded good in teh chat, just wait till you play it yourself in person. You know now that this 'prewar' stuff is NOT hype. It was my pleasure to take it in for the set-up and the few cosmetic fixes. These coke bottle ones are rare, especially in RB form, and being all original. You've got a killer prewar now man-congrats!

rickshunter1 Says:
Thursday, May 10, 2012 @5:27:27 AM

Oscver is deserving of a good Banjo he's a generous person and a good friend.

Wills Creek Says:
Thursday, May 10, 2012 @6:44:24 AM

Really happy for ya Oscar! Tear that thing up ! Have fun!

RB-1 Says:
Friday, May 11, 2012 @10:16:28 AM

Dear collegue,

Welcome to the club! ;-)

Bruno. a.k.a. RB-1

Oalbrets Says:
Sunday, May 13, 2012 @7:43:49 PM

Thanks guys

Shorty P Says:
Sunday, May 27, 2012 @5:38:35 AM

Really happy for ya Oscar and just think you can say Kenny Ingram found it for you how great is that.

Oalbrets Says:
Sunday, May 27, 2012 @7:09:11 AM

Thanks Carl, I just wish this banjo could talk and tell me stories about its life and where its been.

Gordy Ohliger Says:
Monday, May 28, 2012 @12:50:04 PM

Oscar...This is it!
I'm about ready to do a little jig!
When you get it, you are going to be so proud of yourself for doing the right thing.
Gettin' a pre-war is where it's at. There's a reason you hear about it and now it will all be so obvious. well spent.

Oalbrets Says:
Monday, May 28, 2012 @2:13:25 PM

Hi Gordy, got the banjo last week and just love it. I would like to show it to you sometime and have ypu play it. Thanks for the kind words and I will keep my eye open for a local gig you will bw doing here. I want to show her to Lloyd Foote also. Thanks for the kind words Gordy and hope we hook up.

tommyjo Says:
Monday, October 1, 2012 @2:50:04 PM

Oscar, I am very happy for you. I don't know you, and I'm so durn green I've never even heard a prewar banjo, but it all seems pretty darn exciting. I can't imagine what it must feel like to finally get something you've been hoping, planning, saving, and dreaming for! Congrats

calrod Says:
Sunday, March 24, 2013 @7:37:15 PM

Thanks for the welcome to the Hangout you gave me and I was reading your blog here and I am glad that you got a prewar! I bet you are seriously enjoying that instrument cool man!!

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