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It's been an interesting ride with the banjo. I never thought I would take it at all seriously growing up; all it meant to me was family reunions and(what I thought of then) stupid square dancin in the barn or at Gramma and Grandpa's pentagonal shack in the forest behind their house. I couldn't dig on my country roots back then...pretty sad. I was around the real deal music the whole time, but my own bias against my roots kept me from soaking it fully in.
Well, better late than never! As I've mentioned before, I've always had a banjo around, and I would pick it up sometimes, but it was only during the two rounds of chemo, and the two heart attacks from the chemo, and THEN the four surgeries to take out tumours that I began to really lust after those damned five strings. I used to have fever dreams about playing the banjo when I was all drugged up and in a haze. Sometimes I would have panic attacks about that I was going to die without playing the banjo...it's one of the few things that kept me going. During that time I dealt with my illness alone. I worked to support myself the whole time, I was single, separated from my family, and I didn't have friends that I could trust to take care of me. The banjo cared for me...it called to me when I was passed out on my floor by myself, and it kept me breathing when I really didn't want to anymore.
Now, though my nervous system is shot(I can't hold two cups of water at the same time without my left hand splattering water everywhere), I still manage to play. It may not be forever, as things are slowly decaying, but I'm really enjoying it all. It's fun to wake up with four of my best friends around me...great banjos all. My fine motor skills are starting to drag, but I still manage to improve. that's like gold to me.
Any day with a banjo in your hand is a day worth living...take it from me.
8 comments on “Banjo - My best friend in the world”
Banjov1 Says:
Tuesday, May 8, 2012 @2:42:53 PM
Great post Clayton!!
Good luck in your continuing recovery
Coonskin Says:
Tuesday, May 8, 2012 @2:51:40 PM
Thanks so much! A banjo a day keeps the doctor away...I guess he doesn't like banjer music. :)
Dave1climber Says:
Tuesday, May 22, 2012 @6:44:31 AM
Your positive thoughts come shinning through your comments, and are inspirational.
Coonskin Says:
Tuesday, May 22, 2012 @6:15:14 PM
Thanks, Dave! It's hard not to stay positive with a bunch of banjos around! :)
Banjophobic Says:
Monday, May 28, 2012 @7:17:16 AM
Clayton, thanks for sharing your story. Music is a powerful healer and friend. I hope and pray your health will improve.
Coonskin Says:
Monday, May 28, 2012 @3:18:20 PM
Thanks, John, for the good words; that ol' banjo has been good to me.
7String Says:
Tuesday, May 29, 2012 @8:23:35 PM
Well said, Clayton. If I wasn't on the other side of the country, I'd introduce you to my best friends. I think they'd be very pleased to meet you.
Coonskin Says:
Tuesday, May 29, 2012 @8:32:44 PM
I agree; one day it may happen! I see you have a Lyra...love that Crete sound...!
Thanks for the good words.
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