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Forever and a Day

Posted by meritcooper on Thursday, April 12, 2012

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That is how long it feels that I have been away, but I am back.  Since I have been gone, I have had a baby boy who is now over 2 years old.  Wheh!  Second run at kiddos so that was hard.  I have a girl who is about to turn 18 in just 10 days and a son who is 14.  So, I am tired.

I am still questing for clawhammer skills. :) I have been to Acoustic Music Camp a few times in the past few years and taken from the great Dan Levenson.  And I mean Great!  He is a wise man.  If you have a chance to take from him, you won't regret it.

Here are some things I have learned in the past few years.  You can try and train yourself to play like certain people, but you will play best if you just play your own style.  If you like to hit the head, then do it.  After all, it is your music you are making.  If you like to slide or just chord or whatever, then do it.  The world would be boring if everyone only played one way.  Variety.

I kept trying to train myself not to do certain things but when it is all said and done, some things just happen when I'm having a good time.  So, have a good time and don't get caught up too much in being a copycat.

2 comments on “Forever and a Day”

banjotom2 Says:
Friday, April 13, 2012 @3:23:03 AM

Very good point!


JanetB Says:
Monday, September 1, 2014 @1:49:51 PM

Glad you're back. Hopefully the challenge and fun of playing will bring some relaxing moments. You must be a busy mom!

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