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Posted by retiredguy on Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Thought I would get that Clifftop stuff off and put in an update. Went to the Hopin' Jon festival (whenever) and broke a serpintine belt on the motorhome just south of Burlington. The end of a terrible week. My electrical system didn't work right at the festival, Golf Cart burnt up a contact, Everytime I took my garbage out, someone would go through it to see if I had re-cycled, (which I had not)! Too many coo coo's there and I couldn't get away from them.
Anyway we moved from Orangeburg in September to Spartanburg (Moore Community).. Very nice here. Haven't found anyone to jam with. I become a hermit in the wintertime. Could not park my Motor home in the new yard. (I'm staying with my daughter and son-in-law.) so I bought a 20'X12' "playhouse", insulated/wired/panaled and moved in. It's great, have my instruments on the wall, 50" tv, wifi hook-up for the computer.
So I am now waiting for the annual trip to Mt. Airy to get my head screwed back on correctly...
2 comments on “Latest on the retiredguy”
cliff midcap Says:
Monday, March 19, 2012 @9:59:07 AM
Reminds me of that song If it wernt for bad luck Id have no luck at all.
Lol Im not laughing at you Im laughing with you Ive been there myself wish you good luck soon.
Stevespickn Says:
Monday, April 2, 2012 @4:12:58 PM
We jam every Tueday night in Greenville at the Handlebar.8:30-11PM. Jam every Friday night at Oolenoy School, every sat at Owings..all around
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