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Playing with Chord Shapes: 7th Chords

Posted by banjoy on Monday, February 27, 2012

Broken links and missing images fixed on August 15, 2014
(Originally posted to BHO on February 27, 2012.


Playing with Chord Shapes:
7th Chords

Prepared by Frank Eastes, Jr.


Intermediate to Advanced

includes audio examples


This is a 2-page PDF file that shows an example of finding every chord shape for a 7th chord. The MP3 files is how they sound when strummed. They both go together so make sure you check out both!!

This example walks a “G” 7th chord up the neck in every possible combination. Many of these will be familiar, some may be new to you. Some of these shapes are not complete chords. But any of these shapes will work just fine against a G7. That’s the beauty of voicings. They sound different and give some variety and flavor.

This example if a G7 chord only. But these shapes can be applied to any chord on the fingerboard. A few of these shapes include the same note in unison, which is an unusual feature of that shape. The best way to get a sense of how these can work for you, try playing a variety of rolls to each shape and you’ll begin hearing unusual and interesting syncopation happening, just because of the chord shape!

Click here to view
Playing with Chord Shapes — 7th Chords

—Frank Eastes, Jr.
Spartanburg, SC


3 comments on “Playing with Chord Shapes: 7th Chords”

bjango53 Says:
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 @6:43:18 AM

Hey Frank, hate to nit-pic but the open strings GDBG ?

banjoy Says:
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 @10:02:14 AM

Yeah that was a bonehead error I made in my haste to get it uploaded. I caught it right away and corrected the PDF file. You need to download the PDF which has been corrected. You must just be looking at the screen shot I made of the wrong version. I'll go ahead and fix that to so as to avoid confusion. But the PDF file is what you need to download. Thanks for noticing!! LOL.

banjoy Says:
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 @10:13:55 AM

The screen shot is now corrected too.

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