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The Achords

Posted by Horseshoot on Sunday, January 29, 2012

Friday night, Brent and I (as the Achords) played at the Homestead Bar and Bakery, in Farmington, Maine.  It was a blast!!  We had a few glitches (just before the show started, my PA failed.  Could have been worse, it could have been DURING the show!  Luckily, I ran across the street to our local music store and rented one.) but we had a great time.  We performed 3 sets for a total of 30 songs.  Many were our standbys, but a few were entirely new, including "The Hills That I Call Home", where I finally got to play the banjo breaks, in public!  We seemed to be very well received, and the place was PACKED!!!


I've discovered that we have LOADS to learn about amplification, and how to work the mic, etc...  But, we are having a great time doing it, and are developing a following.  Plus we got free food, and REALLY good beer!  (And I am a beer snob!) The small pay ($30) is no big deal, as I am not in this for the money.  But it is nice to be recognized.  And we got twice as much in tips, so that helped....  Considering the $25 paid out for the PA.



1 comment on “The Achords”

Bilbo1 Says:
Sunday, January 29, 2012 @12:50:25 PM

Good for you Mike!!

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