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Darn Wood Chipper

Posted by BEEFUS on Sunday, May 27, 2007

Well, BEEFUS were bowt to climb into th Wood Chipper an reskue th giant Beever what are munchin away in ther, but BEEFUS' buddy Lowell sez "Hey BEEFUS, afore you go climbin in there, you better give that Beaver a lil peace offerin or him 'll choo you to Bitz."
"What does Beevers eets?" ask BEEFUS
"Them likes a lil chaw on a Rail Rode Spike evver now an then" sez Lowell.
BEEFUS have a bit o trubble gettin a Spike (cuz apparently you are spose to wait until no Frate Trains are usin it) but soon  BEEFUS climb up on lip o Wood Chipper an throw a numbur 18 Rail Rode Spike down innit.
WHANG! That darn Rail Rode Spike come FLYIN outta there. BEEFUS see a flash o brite red.
'Where are the Spike go?" ask BEEFUS
Lowell are lookin a lil pale. He point at a spot betwen BEEFUS eye balls.
Then the PAIN hit. OWOOOOOOOO! YOW! WOWOOOOOO! BEEFUS roll aorwnd on grownd an Holler!
now this darn thing are stuk in BEEFUS hed! BEEFUS can not close Jaw, an galluns o Drool are runnin down hims Chin. Wurse, evver time sumwun open hims mouth, no wurds come owt, BEEFUS just heer engine noizes. BEEFUS armz jurk like krazy, an him can oanly get arownd by rollin cuz walkin doan wurk no more.
how can BEEFUS play Banjo?
Hey, gud newz! BEEFUS' banjop pikkin are Unaffektid by hims injury! It sownd same as evvur!

3 comments on “Darn Wood Chipper”

fisher Says:
Monday, May 28, 2007 @2:31:53 AM

Sounds like the beaver was a little rough around the Beefus!

Contristo Says:
Monday, June 4, 2007 @7:10:30 PM

Beefus - Hope you get better soon and no permanent damage was done.  It just goes to show that playing with beavers is never a good idea!

Jammer Says:
Sunday, August 26, 2007 @2:46:24 AM

For the stuff your doing BEEFUS, I would not use spikes. Try a 5th string capo. That way you can more easily reach those rock keys. If you just have the sptandard spikes put in, your still going to have to tune that 5th string to reach the minor keys often used in rock.

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