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Posted by RiemannFan on Thursday, November 3, 2011
I bought my first banjo two weeks ago tomorrow. This was after three years of strumming the ukulele and singing along a little. Within the first year, I came across some clawhammer ukulele videos on ezfolk. That hooked me and so I started to get addicted to clawhammer videos on YouTube. I never mastered clawhammer on the uke, but I was able to frail my first tune the day I bought my Deering Goodtime (thank you Patrick).
2 comments on “Finally Got a Hammering!”
Lester M Says:
Thursday, September 5, 2013 @7:04:09 AM
Hi Philip,
I am about 1year ahead of you :) I was also inspired by Pat Costello. I found the Wayne Erbsen book " Clawhammer banjo for the complete ignoramous" , complete with c.d. very helpful. Also, if you haven't already done so, check out Mike Iverson's stuff, he has a great web site full of clearly written tabs, and loads of great instruction.
Cheers, Les
RiemannFan Says:
Thursday, September 5, 2013 @7:36:36 AM
Hi Lester
What a coincidence!
I was working through Dan Leveson's Book for about a year, but clearly must have found it boring as I was diverting myself by frailing an accompaniment to numerous Hank Williams tunes (I'm a three-chord merchant at heart!). Anyway, I wasn't getting anywhere with the Leveson Book.
I revisited Mike Iverson's webstie about two month ago and found it to be a revelation! I can now fake a passable version of Cripple Creek......... slurs and all. I couldn't agree more with you opinion of Mike's site.
Donald Zepp also has some great instructional materials on his Zepp Music site.
P.S. I have to admit that I stopped watching Patrick Costelloe after I watched a video in which he was making, what I thought to be, juvenille comments about other banjo experts (Dan Leveson being one of them).
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