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Updated Practice Schedule

Posted by yopasjim on Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I have been playing since - roughly - June of 2010. And here are the songs I practice....

  1. 8 Rolls (as detailed in Ross Nickerson's Fundamentals book)
  2. Red River Valley (Paul Hayman version)  (*)
  3. Cripple Creek (Scruggs Book)  (*)
  4. Boil Them Cabbage Down (Geoff Hohwald)  (*)
  5. I Saw the Light (Ross Nickerson)
  6. Sally Gooden - Easy (Geoff Hohwald) (*)
  7. Old Joe Clark - Easy (Geoff Hohwald)  (*)
  8. The Ballad of Jed Clampett (Ross Nickerson)  (*)
  9. Cumberland Gap (Ross Nickerson)  (*)
  10. Blackberry Blossom - Easy (Geoff Hohwald)  (*)
  11. Foggy Mountain Breakdown (Scruggs Book)  (*)
  12. Away in the Manger (Janet Davis)
  13. Jingle Bells (Ross Nickerson)
  14. O Come All Ye Faithful - chorus only (Janet Davis)
  15. Joy to the World (Janet Davis)  (*)

The ones marked with (*) are ones I have memorized and I am trying to perfect the tone and timing.  My goal - obviously - is to pull away from tabs as soon as possible.  I have also been experimenting with various gauges of finger picks: .015, .018, .020, .0225, .025 as well as various thumb picks Janet Davis XL, National, Zookies L-10 and a metal one.  I did try a couple of brass finger picks as well.

What do I want for Christmas?  So nice of you to ask...

  • Two Banjo Straps (Still shopping for the best one)
  • Music Stand for my office (Manhasset - Made in Yakima, WA)
  • American Banjo Camp Scholarship  (I know....longshot...does not hurt to ask)

Shhhhh Surprise! - I am hoping to play a number at the Christmas Eve Service...not sure which song.  I figure the church is dark...people can't see...and I am banking on the hope that at Christmas time people extend an extra amount of grace and mercy.  (Keep it a secret Stan!)


2 comments on “Updated Practice Schedule”

sctoney Says:
Wednesday, December 21, 2011 @9:23:09 PM didn't tell me that you were planning to play Christmas eve. I may have cancelled my trip just to hear you.......well, maybe not. Keep up the good work. We really do need to get together to practice more often. I see some long winter months coming on. Maybe we can make use of some of those long, cold evenings.
Merry Christmas. Stan

yopasjim Says:
Wednesday, December 21, 2011 @10:22:11 PM

That was my dream when I wrote my blog entry. Will have to wait another year! No use rushing a bad thing!

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