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Posted by pilotdavems on Sunday, July 24, 2011
Well, Momma and me are headin' up to the Spokane area here in a couple weeks, and we'll be lookin' for some Bluegrass pickers. We are retiring in the Deer Park area so as to be close to the grandkids and the wonderful folks at Crossover Church in Mead. We got us a 10 acre place on Owens Road, and I will be needin' to build a "pickin' porch" purty soon. Until I git the porch done, I suppose I'll have to use the shop area by the wood stove for a place to pick the 'ol guitar.
1 comment on “Retiring in 2 weeks.”
westems23 Says:
Wednesday, August 3, 2011 @3:45:49 PM
sure will miss you guys, and look forward to your return visits and possable coming up your way.
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