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New Teachings

Posted by dustyhood on Friday, June 24, 2011

It has been a long time a coming. Found a group to just sit in with and learn... Got with a couple of nice people that had been playing for a while and traveling all over the US. Larry is a great guy he has the patience I need to get with a group and find out what it's all about to play with others. Glenda is a wonderful lady, she keeps the mood positive and up tempo. They are inspiring me to progress at a rapid pace. There still are a few questions I have along the way. This week’s challenge is, “A broken heart keep on beating”; I kind of can fall in into the rhythm, but I can't break out yet. Larry showed me his approach to making the word’s ring out of the JO, but it’s difficult for me to get out of playing my trained patterns, square role with the cords....Glenda gives a lot of encouragement by getting Larry to slow down the action so as to let me learn the cords and the changes. But I'm very blessed to be in a position to learn again at no cost. The baby is growing and getting stronger every week, she just turned two months this past Monday. She doesn't mind me playing around her, since I played while she was in the womb. I want to thank all of the hangout members for the outreach given to the new players searching for help and guidance. I plan to update more often now I'm back trying to play again.

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