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Posted by vega long neck on Monday, June 6, 2011
And a good time was had by all! Took the camper and three banjos down to Mt. Airy last weekend for the 40th Fiddler's Convention at Veteran's Park. Competed in the band as well as individual contests with some friends. Only Saturday afternoon was unpleasantly hot, the rest of the days, and nights, were just fine weather. Lot's of playing & singing, lots of fun.
2 comments on “Mt. Airy Fiddler's Convention”
banjobm Says:
Tuesday, June 7, 2011 @7:12:46 AM
That sounds like it was fun, glad you had a great time. Do they have anything like this planned in the fall?
vega long neck Says:
Tuesday, June 14, 2011 @6:18:44 AM
Not a Fiddler's Convention at Mt Airy, that was the Surrey Co Convention, once a year. There are bunches of them throughout the spring, summer, and fall. Within 40 mikes of here (Galax/Woodlawn/Hillsville, VA) there are conventions all the time. This Saturday is the Wayne Henderson Guitar Contest, in about 2 weeks is the Grayson County (Elk Creek) Fiddler's , and then there are; Cliftop (WV), Sparta, NC, Fries, VA and of course the whopper Fiddler's convention at Galax, VA.
The OLD TIMES HERALD, among other mags, has a good list of them all over the country. They all have good jamming and fun as well as watching/listening to the contests. I think the lion's share of the fun is in the campground!
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