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Laid off from work. What does it mean for me?

Posted by BoneDigger on Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Well, today I found out that after 13 years with the state of Texas that I am being laid off.  I imagine it was more political than personal though I have no way of knowing that, and honestly, I don't really care.  What I do know is that I will be paid through July 1 then I'll probably join the rolls of the folks at the unemployment office.  This summer I will be "Daddy Day Care" which will save us almost $1000 in fees per month.  What will this mean for the long term?  Who knows...  Maybe I'll head back east where I'm originally from.  I was born and raised in SC and I do dearly miss it.

Now, what does all of this have to do with the banjo?  I plan to dedicate some time each day this summer to four things: 1) Taking care of the girls (kids), 2) Fixing up the house and yard in case we have to sell it, 3) exercising to get back in shape, 4) Playing the guitar and banjo more often.  Of course, I'll also be applying for jobs. 

I imagine that when all is said and done I will end up with a better job.


6 comments on “Laid off from work. What does it mean for me?”

Banjov1 Says:
Wednesday, May 18, 2011 @10:23:13 AM

Sounds like you've got a full plate activities for your time off. That's good to hear. Hopefully you can find some other employment near your current location. But if not... we've got plenty of pickin on the East coast.

Good luck with everything

banjodawg Says:
Wednesday, May 18, 2011 @10:35:23 AM

I would think that SC, particularly the Charleston area, would need archaeologists! I remember when the Citadel built its new football stadium that 26 Confederate sailors and marines, and the remains of a three- year child, were carefully recovered from under the floor of the Johnson Hagood Stadium were reburied in the Soldier's Ground at Magnolia Cemetery, Charleston, South Carolina.

Good luck and Godspeed, Bill

banjotef Says:
Wednesday, May 18, 2011 @11:07:07 AM

This may be a huge "silver lining" to the dark cloud. Good luck.

BoneDigger Says:
Wednesday, May 18, 2011 @12:16:05 PM

It very well may be. In all honesty, that job was getting old fast!

Karen Kruske Says:
Wednesday, May 18, 2011 @2:27:13 PM

Todd, sorry to hear about the layoff, it's usually a shock to the system at first. I hope you enjoy the time with your family and your music. Best wishes for a smooth summer and I hope things go well in your life.

CurtissWhite Says:
Friday, May 27, 2011 @4:06:46 AM

Todd, it's just a change. Drop and roll. It's likely that your gonna love the way your situation leads you to something different. Look at it as an opportunity for you and your family.

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