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I've just gotten back to this, I stepped away for a few weeks, as I lost my Dad on the 17th of April, and I've taken a little time to reflect on my own life, and life in general.
Life goes on. I'll miss my Dad greatly, but we all must keep moving forward.
I'm getting back to some sort of practice schedule, and have been working on some videos to post. That has not worked out well however. I expect I will keep it up until I can get one or two on here.
I have a problem, some of you may also have this, I think (key word here "think") I play the 2 or 3 songs I practice fairly well, but as soon as the record light comes on, I may as well be kickin' the banjo around the room.
Has this happened to you? What did you do to overcome what I suppose is just a case of nerves?
Let's hear some advice.
Pick on!
5 comments on “Blog from the Dawg”
BanjoMc Says:
Thursday, May 5, 2011 @6:24:35 PM
Here is what worked for me. Get a USB microphone like an Audio-Technica. Plug it into the computer. As soon as you start to practice, every day, turn it on. Turn it off at the end of your practice. Use a free program like AUdacity to cut and paste anything you want. Within a week you will forget it is on. Don't perform for the mic, just record everything for awhile. It works and if you record in MP3, you will have hours upon hours upon hours.
Texasbanjo Says:
Friday, May 6, 2011 @5:29:33 AM
Just keep on recording yourself (as said above). Eventually, you'll get to the point where that recorder doesn't set off stage fright. I had the same problem many years ago when I first started picking and that's what I did: turned that thing on every time I got out the banjo and didn't turn it off until I was through practicing. Worked for me.
rickshunter1 Says:
Friday, May 6, 2011 @5:48:58 AM
Here is what works for me when recording a video............CUT!!!! Take 33 and action LOL!!!! Some of my videos have taken quite a few takes to get it where I am happy with it and still not great that evil eye of the camera has shakin more then a few Good Luck
BanjoMc Says:
Friday, May 6, 2011 @5:51:26 AM
Camera, who said anything about a camera? Put me on camera and I can't even talk. Reminds me of how sorry I am that the rest of the world has to look at me all day when I can just avoid mirrors.
k-dawg Says:
Friday, May 6, 2011 @7:18:30 AM
Thanks for the help everyone, I'll keep working at it.
Good advice to keep the camera on throughuot the practice session, I'l start that today.
John, I saw your You Tube video while playing your Whyte Eagle, I'd say not too bad at all.
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