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Blog From the Dawg

Posted by k-dawg on Wednesday, April 13, 2011

First off, I don't like that they've  eliminated the font choices...  but that's for another day.

So, I've been working with the Tony Trischka School of Banjo for a couple weeks now, and I have to say, there is a lot to learn there.

I've been looking through the site, and along with a wide variety of lessons from Tony, there is also quite a bit of video resource towards other students that I've found to be very helpful.

This is a long process, and I won't rush to finish. (Really, I don't think there is a finish.)  I plan to keep going with this, and the other materials I've been working with, and hope for the best of my success.

I'm trying to get some videos posted, but so far, I find I play better without the camera on me, and the metronome turned off.

This will soon change.

Pick on!


3 comments on “Blog From the Dawg”

beetlegeist Says:
Wednesday, April 13, 2011 @11:51:01 AM

You are right about the finish. I do not think there is one. To solve that I have a list of tunes to learn, play, master and enjoy. I am also the same. I can play fine but as soon as the camera watches me I mess things up.

k-dawg Says:
Wednesday, April 13, 2011 @2:36:00 PM

I tried last weeek to get a video together with either Cripple Creek, or Boil 'em Cabbage Down. I'm doing pretty well with both, and it was embarassing how badly they came off. Not only did I not post them, I didn't even save them.
Oh well, I'll keep at it.

beetlegeist Says:
Wednesday, April 13, 2011 @4:08:40 PM

I have the same problem. Anonymity really helps. I am trying to figure out a way to record something with it all going wrong. It is not nerves I guess but that drive to get it just right.

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