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Well, it's been about a month since I picked up this contraption, and the songs I'm working on, are actually starting to sound like songs.
I'm working with the TAB lessons from Hal Leonard, and some videos from YouTube.
I think the videos are a good supplement for me, because the TAB is sometimes confusing, to try and learn a tune that I don't know.
I looked into the Tony Trischka School of Banjo, and after watching some of the sample lessons, I will probably subscribe to that.
I like the teaching style, and video quality. After watching his "Boil Them Cabbage Down" lesson, it seemed easy to learn, and now, I have one more tune to add to my practice sessions.
If I can just get used to this silly metronome, I'll be in good shape.
Pick on!
3 comments on “Blog from the Dawg”
beetlegeist Says:
Sunday, March 27, 2011 @1:35:42 PM
I have my metronome here and I am still not sure how to use it. I can presume to know like many people but the details are missing. I think I am like you. TAB leaves things out. It provides an incomplete picture. It is great to act as a support or a reminder once you know a tune but I do not think it is enough to teach a tune. That is probably why my learning experience has been very slow.
k-dawg Says:
Sunday, March 27, 2011 @1:54:20 PM
The metronome is used to keep a specific speed, or tempo to a tune, but I either set it up too fast, or too slow, and can't figure out the right tempo. When I shut it off, and play cold, as it were, I seem to do better.
Maybe playing with it, will help build my speed up on faster songs, like FMB, and Cripple Creek, which I'm practicing now.
beetlegeist Says:
Monday, March 28, 2011 @9:30:46 AM
Ken you have explained some points about the metronome really well. I have just switched the on button on mine and I understand it better now. Tempo is speed and beat is rhythm - I believe.
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