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Uh oh. The process has begun

Posted by Kevin G on Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Screwing around last week, I started working on a new song. This is usually something that happens by accident. But once it starts, it haunts me. I get a small lick going, then it follows me everywhere--walking to work, driving to the store, exercising on the treadmill. It starts. And stops. And starts. Then I forget it. Then a few days later it comes back.

I'll get the melody going, jam pretty effectively for a few minutes, then forget everything that came after the initial lick. The next day, I'll try to get it back. And so it will go, until a month, two months, a year from now, I may have a new song. I'll keep you posted how it goes. But I know it's going to be around for awhile. Could be good, could be crap. I'll let you be the judge when I finally get there. And I'll count on your kind comments to keep me motivated.

My best to all,


3 comments on “Uh oh. The process has begun”

Koala_in_pjs Says:
Thursday, March 24, 2011 @1:40:43 AM

Are you able to carry around some sort of recording device (maybe there's something on your phone or ipod that you could use) so you could try recording yourself humming what comes into your head so you have it when you get home and can noodle around with it on your banjo. Good Luck and have fun with it.


strumn1 Says:
Thursday, March 24, 2011 @6:09:03 AM

Koala is right. I often find if I don't record a new tune or phrase even, I will forget it in a matter of minutes. If you can't use phone, ipod etc, there are cheap alternatives. Doesn't have to be fancy. Just something that allows you to remember LOL.

Kevin G Says:
Sunday, March 27, 2011 @8:17:01 AM

Thanks guys. I actually have a nice little Zoom H2 that I use, and my wife made the same suggestion. The menu on the thing is a little cumbersome, though, and slow, so I'm not as diligent as I could be. I did write down the tab of the initial series of licks, too, just to jog my memory. It seems to be helping. Maybe that's the way to go. And it will help my use of tablature, as well.

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