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Now after a couple of weeks at this, I've notice that the nickle plating on the arm rest is irritating my skin.
I tried putting tape over it, and while it has helped, there are still ripples in the tape, and they also irritate, just not as much.
I'm going to try and use some sort of plastic, or maybe shrink tube from the electronics store, and see if that works any better.
If anyone has the same issue, tell me what you did to solve the problem.
I'll keep you posted.
Pick on!
13 comments on “Blog from the Dawg”
David Cunningham Says:
Friday, March 11, 2011 @9:02:19 AM
Janet Davis music has a lexan cover that may snap on your armrest for $17 or you could get a wood armrest.
Texasbanjo Says:
Friday, March 11, 2011 @10:51:09 AM
You could cover it with cloth -- if you're married and your wife knows how to sew, she could fix one up in a jiffy using elastic around it so you could put it on the armest and take it off to be washed when it got dirty.
streaker Says:
Friday, March 11, 2011 @1:41:55 PM
Sounds like your nickel sensitive, i guess wood would be the way to go. And it looks real smart too.
beetlegeist Says:
Friday, March 11, 2011 @3:29:46 PM
I have the same problem. It was recommended to me to cover it with clear nail varnish.
k-dawg Says:
Friday, March 11, 2011 @5:53:51 PM
Nail varnish, now that's an idea that never occured to me... When I think about it, that was what I used in high school on a silver ring my sister made for me, because I had the same problem back then too. Also caused me to stop wearing a sterling silver earring in the eighties as well.
Ah HA! There's that famous Ah HA moment that everyone has been talikng about.
Thanks for eveything.
Pick on!
eMike Says:
Friday, March 11, 2011 @9:41:52 PM
Would a chrome-plated armrest work for you?
beetlegeist Says:
Saturday, March 12, 2011 @3:45:39 PM
Please let us know if nail varnish works for you.
k-dawg Says:
Saturday, March 12, 2011 @4:13:05 PM
I'm going to try the nail varnish, I'll probably put it on tonight, or tomorrow.
I also thought that a clear Plastikote spray might work, i'm not sure if it will stick to the nickle plate though.
I don't know if anyone make a chrome plated armrest for the Goodtime or not. I think anything is better than the nickle for me though.
k-dawg Says:
Sunday, March 13, 2011 @10:47:33 PM
Kester, I laid on 2 coats of varnish, and I think it's going to work fine. I played a little bit after it dried, and no irritation.
Thanks for the tip. By far the cheapest remedy
Thanks everyone.
Pick on.
beetlegeist Says:
Monday, March 14, 2011 @4:34:00 PM
That is good to hear. I like to help people.
Bigg Hans Says:
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 @12:28:25 PM
Something else you might consider, I have a friend who struggles with the same. Before he got a wood armrest to replace his chrome one, he just used a sweat/wristband on that portion of his arm. He gigged that way for close to two years before he changed the rest. Not the ideal way to go, but I witnessed it working way before I started playing anything resembling a banjo.
beetlegeist Says:
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 @1:05:42 PM
I used to use a sweatband and have a leather chord which I wrap around my arm. It prevents the nickle touching my skin. It is a common problem which begs the question, why use nickle for armrests?
k-dawg Says:
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 @2:00:49 PM
I think I'll just keep the nail varnish for now on the Goodtime, I may change to the Corian armrest Deering offers for the Goodtime, at some point in the future, however for my Deering Basic, I think I'll go ahead with a wooden armrest, maybe mah, ebony or walnut.
Thanks again guys.
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