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First blog from the Dawg

Posted by k-dawg on Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I'm not really even sure what a "blog" is, I think it's just a means of saying what's on your mind.  If so, then here goes...

I'm new to BHO, and banjo in general.  I started to learn about 2 weeks ago, and I really enjoy it.  I hope to get fairly good at it.

I also notice when looking around at the different posts, that there are a lot of folks, like myself, who are just starting out.  That's good. We can all learn something from each other, as well as the many talented people who have been at it for long periods.

I have 40+ years experience playing guitar, but you couldn't tell by listening to me.  Most of it has been playing alone, or "dabbling" as I call it, so I try to do as many things as I possibly can on the guitar, and never really progress.

At 57, I don't thnik I have enough time in my life to get 40+ years experience on the banjo, but I'll use what time I do have to get as good at it as I can.

I have found a few outlets to play with others, and I may even hone my skills on the acoustic guitar in the meantime.  I think I may be at a point in my life where it's time to give up some of my electrics, and take focus on the folk styles that I started with when I was a kid.

Thinking back, I believe I liked those styles better anyway.

Pick on!


6 comments on “First blog from the Dawg”

djshinn Says:
Wednesday, March 9, 2011 @12:32:13 PM

Welcome Ken, I have only been playing for 4 months, my only musical instrument.. I am loving it

tgaryc Says:
Wednesday, March 9, 2011 @1:52:30 PM

Find a local jam and a pickin' buddy it will really speed things up. The banjo is much harder than the guitar. I have played the guitar most of my life and I know the whole fret board like the back of my hand but am still learning the banjo, the right hand is the hardest part for me,but I can see much improvement this year (I'm starting on my 4th year) best of luck , go sloooow and don't get discouraged

k-dawg Says:
Wednesday, March 9, 2011 @1:59:45 PM

Thanks for the inspiration, and best wishes to you all.

pammiec Says:
Wednesday, March 9, 2011 @3:40:27 PM

Welcome Ken from another guitar convert! Good luck to you!

k-dawg Says:
Wednesday, March 9, 2011 @4:48:23 PM

Well, Welcome back at ya Pammie!
I think it will be a fun adventure.

David Cunningham Says:
Wednesday, March 9, 2011 @7:26:28 PM

I, like you, played guitar many years before picking up the banjo. In eight months I'm better at banjo than I ever got at guitar. I think it's a lot more fun. My first jam was last weekend and I think what tgaryc said is true. Just that three hours of picking with a dozen others cleaned up my playing more quickly than would have happened had those three hours been spent by myself.

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