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Posted by Horseshoot on Saturday, February 26, 2011
So, I am still working on Dooley. And I really like it. When I showed it to my teacher, he liked it, as well, but pointed out that I was doing a break for the verses, but not the chorus. I explained that the DVD didn't teach me a break for the chorus. he smiled and said, "I guess you will just have to come up with one." I sort of sat there for a moment, with, what I am sure, was a very blank look on my face. He finally said, 'You can do it, you know. Right now... play the melody, to the chorus, using just your thumb, and don't worry about any fill in, or rolls." So, much to my own surprise, I did it! Naturally, it was slow, and jerky, but the melody was there. So then he carefully explained to me how I could then incorporate that melody into rolls and licks that I am familiar with. He gave me a few nudges, but was determined to not tell me, right out, how to do it. He says my ability to do it is there, I just need to make that break through. So, I was able to figure the first part out, while sitting there, and he assigned the rest as homework. Once I got home, I was a man on a mission! And... I think I have actually done it! It is terribly slow going, but immensely satisfying! After I get it a bit faster (and am pretty sure it is correct) I will video it, and post it.
The other parts of the lesson were fantastic, as well. I am not sure if I mentioned it, but my 65 year old mother, expressed an interest in learning guitar. So, I bought her a Seagull, for Christmas. She has been here for an extended visit, and also taking lessons with my teacher, Andy. It is slow going for her, but she is making progress. So, Andy had us combine our lessons yesterday, so she could strum along, while I played some simple banjo tunes. It was a lot of fun! And it was very useful for me, as it forced me to slow down. I noticed crisper pull offs, and cleaner picking, in my own playing. Good lesson!
1 comment on “Dooley, continued...”
tgaryc Says:
Saturday, February 26, 2011 @1:41:06 PM
make sure the melody is correct then firgure out the cords, then add rolls and licks that fit the cords and you will find the melody hidden in there. You may have to play the melody in a different position (on a different string) to beable to make the lick work. After a while (3 years for me ) you will start to see a bunch of common licks in songs, then it starts to come naturally. One good thing about making up your on breaks is you won't sound like anybody but yourself.Best of luck
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