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It seems like a long wait...but it hasn't been really. My new banjo arrived late this afternoon. Special thanks to Ross Nickerson - Banjoteacher.com - who gave me GREAT customer service. I was able to play a bit tonight and look forward to more time this weekend. Yaa hoo! Feels like Christmas!
5 comments on “Got it today! Brand New Gold Tone BG 150 F”
Banjo-Man-Dan Says:
Friday, February 25, 2011 @9:36:58 AM
Congratulation on your new banjo! Happy picking.
yopasjim Says:
Friday, February 25, 2011 @11:11:16 AM
THanks Dan! I often travel to your neck of the woods. It would be cool to get together some time.
Banjo-Man-Dan Says:
Friday, February 25, 2011 @2:35:41 PM
That would be great. Just let me know when you are heading this way some time and I'll PM you my contact info. Have fun with that new Gold Tone.
yopasjim Says:
Friday, February 25, 2011 @3:00:48 PM
I am loving it!
501jaycash Says:
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 @5:25:56 AM
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