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Posted by stringbeaner on Thursday, January 27, 2011
I ain't daid yet!!!! My computer jes' Exploded again. 36 days ago! I'm doing this blog (which I don't usually do) to let my Hangout friends I'm still cookin'. Actually, that's why I found out about the hangout.
A few years back, I got a email from my neice back east asking me if I knew any one named 'Stanger'. He was asking around if anyone knew whatever happened to Billy Cheatwood; he thot he'd heard I had kicked the bucket. So, I hunted him up thru some fancy footwork with my telephone and found him in Idaho and we had a really good reunion, during which I learned about BHO and I've been snortin' along ever since. ('cept when my computer explodes.)
The other thing I found out writing this blog is--- I have to double tap my n to make it write. Now I gotta go answer about a jillion emails from folks who wanted to kow if I was still moving. ..................Glad to be back home!
2 comments on “I ai'nt daid yet!!”
stanger Says:
Thursday, January 27, 2011 @11:23:37 AM
Hi, Bill...
I had a keyboard or two go bad on me. Dont'cha just hate it when that happens!
Good to hear you're doing fine. It's been a hard winter up here.
stringbeaner Says:
Monday, February 21, 2011 @7:22:09 PM
Damn! It's been a hard winter here in Oklahoma - 31 below 0 here in mid-continent. Never did that when I was a kid. 40 inches of snow drifts in TULSA!!!
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