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Posted by banjowannabe on Saturday, January 15, 2011
It has been a tough last three months, as I had surgery November 1 for a bilateral ankle break. The worst part was just me being antsy and not being able to help much during the holidays. But here is my thought for the day, "It's an ill wind that blows nobody good." While the downside of a broken ankle is lack of control over your life, the upside is that you get to practice banjo a lot. The first two weeks after surgery I wore out my fingerpicks and a set of strings, and then couldn't go anywhere for replacements. If I'd planned ahead, I could have ordered online. However, I eventually got a few sets of strings and really enjoyed sitting and playing. Another upside to a temporary limitation was that I did most of the Christmas shopping online, and could really look for bargains for presents and for the family get togethers. My wife told me that we spent about $2000 less than we usually due over the holidays (she can be dangerous when she's filled with the holiday spirit). Now I find the downside of the mending bones, is that I'm not playing banjo very much. I'm still in a walking cast and going to physical therapy twice a week, and I can do things, but I tire quickly. You can really get out of shape fast when your movement is restricted. My recommendation to anybody over age 55 is don't use ladders, don't trim trees, and stay off of roofs. I was breaking my own rules when I broke my ankle. Younger people were designed for these jobs. They have better balance and quicker reflexes. You ever hear of any banjo player playing faster as they get older?
1 comment on “Mending a Broken Leg”
inniepie Says:
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 @10:14:29 AM
Oh you and me both!!! (a tough last 3 months)
Unfortunately I have not gotten to practice my banjo a lot - but things are getting a bit better and I can look towards the future.
I wish you a speedy recovery Brian...we must share physio stories...
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