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Posted by djingodjango on Friday, January 14, 2011
Well. It happened again. I met a guy at DD this morning who I have known for many years. He is the caretaker of our church, for corn sakes. And I couldn't remember his name.
This happens on a daily basis. Names rattle off me like gravel on an overloaded dump-truck hitting the hood of my Windstar. Sometimes they make a dent and other times they are gone.
It is not so bad with people you see only once in a while....but to forget someone you see a few times a week? I even forget my kids names every now and then. Of course I have a few. Nine at last count. And in a flurry of conversational flotsam and jetsam I sometimes say....."An-Joh-Pe-Bri-Chri-Josh.......BOY!"
Unless I'm referring to my daughters, in which case since I only have three and I usually can remember their names.
Most times.
In many cases I swallow my pride and ask them to refresh my memory and that usually works. Unless I'm speaking with my wife.
Why oh why are names so hard for some of us? Faces I got etched in my little grey cells as Peroit would say. But names?
There are some who use mnemnonics (I think I got that right) to remember names. Some folks repeat over and over the name of a newly met person in ongoing dialog.
But to forget those who you know pretty well.....give me strength!
I need to hire a person with an address book to walk beside me and mutter in my ear, like Tom Hagen the consigliere does with Don Corleone.
(Whisper) That's your priest. Father Dennis. (Whisper) That's your mother-in-law Mary. (Whisper) That's your proctologist.
(C) 2011 George Locke
2 comments on “The Face Is Familiar”
Texasbanjo Says:
Friday, January 14, 2011 @10:43:02 AM
Welcome to senior moments -- we all have them and the older we get, the more often we get them.
u k sandra Says:
Friday, January 14, 2011 @2:34:48 PM
I think Sherry`s right. Its an age thing. I often call my sons by the dogs names and the dogs by my sons names. The dogs don`t seem to mind. I`m not so sure about my sons.
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