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Posted by vega long neck on Saturday, January 8, 2011
I finished a fretless "one piece" banjo a few months ago and have been tinkering with a lathe I was given to see about making a block pot. Three tries and I got blanks I thought were acceptable for glue-up. At first I tried turning on the outside of the lathe drive because of the size but couldn't get a good solid tool rest so I redesigned the face plate a bit and chucked it on the inside.
I used a South American hardwood similar to walnut but I think it's too dense; I had to dress the gouges about every 3 to 5 minutes if I didn't want chunks ripped out, especially on the inside. Of course, Junior High & High School were the last times I used a lathe/had any instruction. I finally did get a fairly good looking 11" pot but it's only about 1/2" thick. Looks pretty good with the lacquer on it. Mounting hardware on it at present.
My wife pointed out I have far more banjos that we have floors to the house so I told her I'm working on my 1 banjo per room theory so I don't have to walk far to play. Good for her, she laughed.
Jane C Says:
Saturday, January 8, 2011 @7:29:06 AM
She's either given up or she really loves you, I suspect the latter.
vega long neck Says:
Saturday, January 8, 2011 @11:55:52 AM
I prefer to think it's the latter.
raymond66 Says:
Friday, May 16, 2014 @10:07:46 AM
a banjo in every room sounds about right
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