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Posted by Lefty5string on Thursday, November 2, 2006
Decided it was about to give another Drop C song a shot and I've always liked this one so whipped out my Murphy Method Playing in C - Volume 2 tape and dug in.
I always this one was going to be a harder tune to learn but when I got into it I found it pretty easy. The D - Eb is a little rough the way she showed it but I came up with a 3 finger chord on the first 3 strings that seems to work fine.
I'd say I had this tune pretty much in my head after the first or second day and decided I was ready for a little variation so pulled up a few tabledit files and had a look. Didn't take long to come up with 2 nice variations for the "A part" so am working at smoothing those out now.
It's nice to learn a Drop C tune every so often cause it gives me a chance to brush up the other ones I seldom practice like Home Sweet Home, Liberty and Soldiers Joy.
JonT Says:
Tuesday, February 6, 2007 @10:54:02 AM
Jamming in Pasadena? That would be great! My problem is that I work weekdays 2-11pm. At least for now. But please do keep me posted.
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