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My best to all of you for a successful, happy 2011. Happy picking, plucking and strumming.
2 comments on “Happy New Year to Everyone here”
NickC Says:
Sunday, January 9, 2011 @2:52:47 PM
And to you too! Hope you don't mind but I saw your comment on Topcat's blog about learning Clawhammer. You sound very enthusiastic about it... I've always been intrigued by the Clawhammer style. Can I ask how your getting on with it and if your learning from a book/teacher etc?
thanks! Nick
Kevin G Says:
Sunday, January 16, 2011 @7:51:01 PM
Hi Nick,
I started by spending the better part of the time at Midwest Banjo Camp in Olivet, Michigan last summer in the beginning Clawhammer group. I wanted to try to get the right hand technique down over that weekend so that I'd be able to work on it by myself later. At the camp, I also picked up a beginners DVD from Ken Perlman, who was one of the camp organizers. Then I spent the next 4-6 weeks working almost exclusively on getting the right-hand stroke down. Now it's almost there. I've got several books, but the key is to spend some time with someone who knows what they're doing to pin down the right-hand technique. At first I thought I'd never get it. Now I feel as if I'm not doing too badly. But it comes from doing, like everything. I love the style, and I'm really drawn more to CH-style tunes than bluegrass. Go ahead and give it a try.
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