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Posted by Mike Scott Music on Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Hey everybody... I first wish that everyone has a Great Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year. Enjoy your friend & family time for sure during this holiday season.
*****I have a new project being released on January 11,2011 on the Rural Rhythm label. It is a Bill Monroe 100th Anniversary Tribute celebrating his life 1911-2011. The eighteen instrumental tracks include some of Bill's most noted songs and instrumentals.... done exculsively instrumental. The players include: Bryan Sutton, Adam Steffey, Aubrey Haynie, Tim Stafford, Ben Isaacs, Mike Compton, Rob Ickes, & yours truley. It should be available at all Wal Marts, Best Buys, my website www.mikescottmusic.com , and www.RuralRhythm.com Thanks so much! I hope to see you sometime soon out there on the music trails. Keep those banjos rollin'!*****
2 comments on “New Banjo Instrumental Release Date January 11,2011”
Ban-Joey Says:
Wednesday, January 19, 2011 @11:36:36 AM
This is the project I was mentioning on another message...... Just downloaded it from amazon...... just GREAT!!!!!!
Mike Scott Music Says:
Monday, January 24, 2011 @2:36:06 PM
Thanks so much for ordering it! This project is one that I am very proud of and I am honored to get together with some of my favorite players. I sure hope that Monroe would be proud? Glad you enjoy it!
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