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Posted by Pepper Laing on Thursday, December 9, 2010
Mmm my first egg nog of the holiday season, I for one love this stuff. Come on out tomorrow night to the Transcona Legion for our 4th annual x-mas show and jam. Jam starts at 7pm til 9pm then catch our set til 10pm with more jamming to follow. Merry Christmas.
dgill Says:
Thursday, December 9, 2010 @2:15:31 PM
I wish I could, I would be there. Enjoy yourself Pepper.
banjotef Says:
Thursday, December 9, 2010 @2:32:51 PM
I just had an egg nog shake! Merry Christmas!
BarbieSue Says:
Thursday, December 9, 2010 @5:53:37 PM
MMm....egg nog! We're on about our 4th quart this season already! I loves me some egg nog! Well, y'all enjoy yourselves and have a very Merry Christmas! :)
rinemb Says:
Friday, December 10, 2010 @6:55:01 AM
I say, go to the off-topic and introduce an eggnog topic, so we can get a lot of good recipes. Just had my first glass last night-what a diet-buster! Brad
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