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Its been quite sometime since I've been on the forum. I wanted to share some of the experiences I am having this week at the John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, NC. I'm taking the Beginning Clawhammer Banjo Class, being taught by Bob Buckhingham of South Carolina. I highly recommend this class to anyone looking for a positive class/camp experience in a great setting.
There are six of us in the class, all novices with clawhammer banjo, several being completely brand new to the banjo. Bob has done a great job keeping us together and getting us to play like we know what we are doing! This is the end of three full days (a day and a half left) and we should be ready to perform for the rest of our folk school classmates on Friday! The challenge will be to keep up on this when I return to northern Michigan. I'm now looking for potential old-time players in my literal neck of the woods.
Besides the class, this folk school has been fantastic. The food has been some of the best I've had in a long time. This Yankee is really enjoying the southern food, especially breakfast of grits and biscuit and gravey, And there's been othe rmusic opportunities as well. Contra dancing with a jam session afterwards. I was even able to sit in and play a bit. My first mountain jam session!
I came to the Folk School with a pretty bad cold and now its gone. I think I found the cure to the common cold: Clawhammer banjo (and clean mountain air too)!
2 comments on “John C. Campbell Folk School”
rinemb Says:
Wednesday, November 3, 2010 @8:53:12 PM
Its a great place with great folks in and around there. I hope to return someday, myself. Need to find coinciding courses that both my wife and I can attend this time. I bachelored it last time, and had way too good of a time.
iceburg Says:
Monday, November 22, 2010 @6:05:39 PM
Rinemb: I hope you get the chance to go back. I had a great time and plan to return sometime.
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