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News travels slow in these parts, so forgive me if you have found/seen/heard of Dillon Scott. I saw him on a Song of the Mountains show with Karl Shiflett , and I just cannot believe that he is just 17 years old.
His Banjo playing is without a doubt some of the best I have EVER had the pleasure of hearing, except of course all of the before mentioned Kings.
Dillon's back-up is just perfect, crisp, creative, and he captures the "Scrugg's" soul in his playing. I really am impressed with the Big Country Show as well, what treat to see Karl play and sing, as well as preform on stage.
www.karlshiflett.com/home.htm and here: www.youtube.com/watch
I will be looking for them here, but it looks like I'll have to back East to catch'em, so, why don't you go catch'em for me then.
Has anyone else seen Dillon?
Picking and spinning!
1 comment on “Artist found: Dillon Scott of Karl Shiflett and His Big Country Show”
texasbanjos Says:
Friday, June 13, 2014 @7:36:27 PM
I haven't had the pleasure of seeing the young man play in person yet. However, I now own the Huber Jim Mills banjo that was once his. I'm certainly not worthy. Just hoping that I can make it sound half as good as he did.
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