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Are you an instrument hoarder???

Posted by thecowpokepicker on Friday, October 8, 2010

Are you an instrument hoarder?


1. Have you collected more than three instrument in a week?

2. Have you became a 'short term' luthier just so you could claim that you would fix that old instrument you bought?

3. Have you paid an outrageous price for an instrument when you knew you could have got it cheaper somewhere else, but got it anyway because you 'Really needed' then?

4. Have you dedecated a room of your house for your instrument collection and playing?

5. Are you known by your friends as the "Instrument Man" or "Instrument Woman"?

6. Are you guilty of talking to or naming your instruments?

7. Do you own more than twenty five instruments?

8. Are you still collecting more?

9. Have you ever seen an old vintage instrument you didn't like?

10. Do you think that you really need all of those instruments?


If you answered yes to five or more of these questions, you may be an instrument hoarder!


5 comments on “Are you an instrument hoarder???”

rinemb Says:
Friday, October 8, 2010 @3:37:05 PM

Ummmm, Hi, my name is Brad and I am a banjoholic and I suffer from BAS. Grant me the serinity to accept what I cannot change, the strength to change the things I want to, and wisdom to hide my purchases from my wife.

Jane C Says:
Saturday, October 9, 2010 @1:17:11 PM

Guilty. But don't care.

yougogrl Says:
Saturday, October 9, 2010 @6:16:00 PM

I plead the fifth, on the grounds that I might incriminate myself.

thecowpokepicker Says:
Monday, October 11, 2010 @2:25:04 PM

Why care? It's something to be proud of these days...Your picking friends will be all over you for your pre-wars.

5stringpicker2 Says:
Tuesday, October 12, 2010 @10:49:51 AM

I've got 30 or more instruments and am always looking for and buying more...One can NEVER have to many.

There can never be just 1!

(I )===='---<::)

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