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well,a nice young feller bought a banjo from me,so i thought i better spend the money real quick on something before my delinquent grandson stole it to spend on drugs and loose women,so i went and bought me a Goldtone OT-6. I call it banjosaurus,its huge ,loud,and in the wrong hands can be dangerous.
Its a darn fine instrument,beautifully made,a real handful and not for the fainthearted,will post again once ive fought a few rounds with it.your pal,skip
mainejohn Says:
Monday, October 4, 2010 @5:19:08 AM
Have you seen Deering's "Banjosaurus" model? It runs around $65,000.
witty banjo related username Says:
Thursday, November 4, 2010 @4:49:19 PM
Is it everything you ever hoped it would be?
Did you buy it (gasp)new?
You know, it's never to late to swap it for drugs and women; what's the street value of an OT-6 these days?
mainejohn Says:
Thursday, November 4, 2010 @4:58:29 PM
I didn't buy one...I just saw George Grove of the Kingtson Trio play his about 12 years ago. I made the one in my avatar.
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