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A check-in on the Banjo versus TV project — J.R.'s ongoing plan to spend more time on his banjo than on TV. This post covers 7/18/2010 through 7/24/2010. J.R. has fallen way behind in his banjo blogging and has taken to posting one bottle of catsup for each week he's got to, well, catch up.
I went to the Costello Bluegrass Jam, which is hosted by guitarist Howard Johnson twice each month at Costello Sandwich and Sides in Lincoln Square, Chicago.
I played the banjo a little with the group...
...and got started on my second free sandwich card.
9 more stamps to go!
My attendance at this jam has been spotty. My last 10-stamp card took me 62 weeks to complete at a rate of (approximately) one sandwich stamp per visit to the jam. If I had attended every one of the twice-a-month jams I'd have finished that card in about 20 weeks. Wonder how long it will take me this time?
Also in the last week:
I heard a good, bawdy, double entendre blues song: I Didn't Like It The First Time, sung by Julie Lee. Here it is on YouTube.
Cross-posted at J.R. Jenks' blog
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