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Nedski and Mojo CD is finally here!

Posted by Nedski on Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hey everybody,

Introducing the new CD from Nedski & Mojo "Nothing More"!

That's right friends, it's finally here! And if you can't come celebrate the release with us at the IBMA convention, you can order the cd on-line at 

Mojo (Stephen Mougin) and I are really excited about this. We wrote or co-wrote all songs but one (Nyquil Blues... our only cover but a popular hit at live shows) with some of our favorite co-writers (Jon Weisberger, Jenee Fleenor, Justin Carbone, Craig Market) and performed it all as just the two of us on banjo & guitar, banjo & mandolin, guitar & mandolin or two guitars, just like we do live. (Well... except for the backup singers on Nyquil Blues... Thanks to our wives Kelley and Jana and to Sim and Missy Daily as the Nyquil-ettes!)

Anyway, we're pretty proud of the way it turned out, and these are the songs that people have been asking for when we perform them live, so we hope you will enjoy the CD. Check it out at 



2 comments on “Nedski and Mojo CD is finally here!”

rtyrie Says:
Wednesday, February 23, 2011 @2:39:42 PM

I bought Nedski and Mojo at the CD table at the Palatka Fl festival this last weekend. Great music and a fine person to talk to. Really enjoyed your original tune "Cabin of Death" played during the second set. Is it on CD?

Nedski Says:
Wednesday, February 23, 2011 @2:43:39 PM


Thanks! Glad you like the Nedski & Mojo CD. Yes, Cabin of Death is recorded on my solo CD "Nedski" which is available at

Thanks again!


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