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Thank you music lovers...

Posted by kc8tby on Saturday, September 11, 2010

As I mentioned at the end of my last blog entry, I had downloaded and have been using a series of lessons entitled "Getting Started on the 5 String Banjo", by David Holt.

For me, sofar anyway, this has been a great tool to use as I take the first faltering steps to learn playing this fasinating instrument.  I particularly like the way he introduces the "bum ditty" strum in a slow and deliberate fashion.  He does a good job of explaining why it is so important to master this strum, first and foremost. He seems to emphasise the importance of not rushing through this lesson, but to slow down, take your time and to be certain to get the "timing" of this strum just right!  As I take the time to listen to the more accomplished clawhammer style banjo players I can now understand why mastering this fundamental strum is so very important!

So far I have been somewhat successful in being able to get my middle finger to strike the first string (the ONLY string I am working on so far! without striking either the head of the banjo or any one of the other strings.  The "brush" stroke (brushing the bottom three strings immediately AFTER I strike the first string) seems fairly easy as well.  Where I am having a bit of a problem is in getting my thumb in the proper position directly above that fifth string in order to pluck" that fifth string directly after the "brush" stroke. LOL...I don't know if that makes any sense the way I explained it but, well, trust me when I say I have every reason to believe that, given enough time and practice, I will master this very basic and fundamental skill!

I find it hard to believe that these more experienced players can play that "bum ditty" so fast!   Maybe it becomes so second nature once you have been playing awhile that you don't even need to think about it?  Well, time will tell...

In all honesty I have to say that I have been finding this entire process of learning to play banjo to be  a very peaceful and meditative process.  I know, that might sound strange but, in my case anyway, it is entirely true. 

I have had quite a few stressful situations occurring in my life within the past year.  For the most part, I have been able to deal with them fairly well.  There has been a toll taken on my health (as well as on my "pyschie", as they say!) and it was suggested to me that I find a hobby as a good way to relax and to unwind, .  Being someone who has always enjoyed music, as well as a good challenge, wel,l this adventure in learning the banjo has been a wonderful outlet as well as a very peaceful activity.  Will it continue to be as relaxing in the days and weeks to come?  I certainly hope so and I certainly want it to continue to be a refuge and a source of relaxation for as long as possible.  So far it has been all I expected and more.  Somewhat like an answered prayer...

Sorry to have sounded so metaphysical folks.  I'm sure you come to read about the banjo and not about a spiritual journey!

On another note, I would like to give a big note of  thanks to all of the members of this on-line community who have reached out to us "novices" with their continued encouragement and support!  As they say south of the border, "Gracias Amigos!"

And thank you music lovers, as Spike Jones was fond of saying...




3 comments on “Thank you music lovers...”

davehead Says:
Monday, September 13, 2010 @2:49:39 PM

KC8TBY, looks like a ham radio call. Mine is N2FA.


kc8tby Says:
Monday, September 13, 2010 @10:58:34 PM

Hello Dave. Yes, it is my call sign! I am licensed as a "General Class" operator and I usually operate SSB on twenty meters.

nickbanjoman Says:
Thursday, September 16, 2010 @4:58:06 PM

thanks for the welcome ,,, im from the beautiful state of alabama,,,,,, nice to hear from u..

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