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I live close enough to where I work that I can walk home for lunch. Today, as I approached my street, I saw a man walking toward me. This is odd enough by itself, simply because most people, even in my small town, get in their cars to go everywhere. But it was a beautiful day, and so I wasn't terribly surprised. What struck me, though, was that, from the distance, it looked as if the man was wearing a blue shirt and white twill trousers. I was wearing a blue shirt and white twill. I had sunglasses on. He had sunglasses on. I have short brown hair. He had short brown hair. It was like walking into a mirror.
Fortunately, he had a beard and mustache, so I knew it wasn't me. I also knew that, if I had bumped into him by mistake, the universe wouldn't explode, thank goodness. Unless, of course, it was like that old Star Trek episode with the evil Spock.
After I arrived home, I started to wonder about my evil twin. He was chubbier than me; maybe he doesn't exercise. Does he play banjo? If he's like me, he's probably not that good. So he probably does, and he's probably great, since he's from the parallel universe. Clawhammer? Bluegrass? Expert at both, I'm sure. Probably has a better car, too; of course, why would he be on foot then?
The experience was eerily disconcerting. Just the fact that someone else who looked a little like me could make the same choices on the same day was enough to give me the creeps. But: I haven't found him here on the hangout, so I don't have to share you guys with him. And don't tell him that I'm here, ok? I don't think any of us wants the universe to explode.
1 comment on “Like walking into a mirror”
Moonpie50 Says:
Thursday, August 26, 2010 @4:26:04 AM
I kind of had the same experience Kevin. But we didn't look alike lol! It happened with some pickers that I just met. RevRon & Donna his wife. The first day that I met Donna we became instant friends. It was truly amazing! we liked and did the same things it was incrediable to say the least. We like to knit, play music, garden, and what is really wild is we like the same foods. Ours was more a spiritual gathering, they had prayed for a bass player, and I had prayed for some christian music friends. It worked out pretty good, I am their bass player and they are my christian music friends. God is good....All the time....
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