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Posted by banjo plunker on Monday, August 23, 2010
The way I learned to play the banjo is kind of different. At first I picked up my friends banjo and practiced on it but I never really could get my rolls down. Then on Christmas2009 I got a banjo and I have practiced alot since then. Every Friday I jam at my uncle's house with my uncle,grandpa,dad, and somtimes my friend, who are also great pickers too. The reason I pick is because I love music.
3 comments on “How I learned to pick.”
Jethro Aberdeen Says:
Tuesday, August 24, 2010 @11:35:56 AM
Go plunker go! that's great to hear, keep at it.
TwoTrax Says:
Wednesday, August 25, 2010 @4:49:48 PM
It's young people like yourself that will keep the circle unbroken. By circle I mean the love of the music! I wish I'd have stuck with it when I was your age. Old dogs take longer to learn. Get it while you're young!
banjo plunker Says:
Tuesday, February 8, 2011 @8:55:16 AM
Been a long time but thanks alot Jethro and TwoTrax!!
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