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Hey Banjo-guys and girls.
It has been a happy and a sad evening. first the happy thing. Tobias ( Denmark ) is af good friend of mine and I've have just finishing modyfieng his Goodtime-banjo to a Roundpeak-banjo. The fingerboard SHOULD be POLISHED but apart from that I'm so happy about helping him to get an instrument that he wanted for a long time. Apart from his joy I have gained pracis experience and knowhow. From now on I'll be happy every time I hear him play an instrument I helped to create :-).
The sad thing is that I just got an email about that http://europeanoldtimers.ning.com/ will close at the end of the month. I don't use "european oldtimers" much but I have arranged 3 bigger jams in the past 6 month througt this forum. Apart from "Kattinge" there are too few big jams in Denmark. With the loss of european oldtimers we lose a great toolm to arrange more jams :-( .
There should be "GENRE-hangouts" as well as "instrument-hangouts" such as "Oldtime-hangout" "Bluegrass-hangout" "Rock-hangout" "Jazz-hangout" Reggae-hangout and "Death Metal-Hangout". Forums where people playing different instruments but the same genre can make contact and blay together.
Banjo-Hangout is one of the most importent things in my learning. I got inspiration advise and contact to some local musicians. All very valueble. Thanks to all members who are keeping the good Hangout-spirit high :-)
2 comments on “A happy and a sad evening”
banj25k Says:
Thursday, March 10, 2011 @2:15:04 PM
Hey Peter... A fellow banjo lover, also from CPH. I checked you videos on youtube, and I really like your clawhammer banjoing. I play the Scruggs three finger style. :-) Writing in english because I'm not sure if I'm allowed to write in danish. Hahaha, :-)
Lorix Says:
Thursday, March 10, 2011 @2:59:11 PM
Jeg Jesper.
Tak for din kommentar. Jeg tror at et par linier p dansk er i orden ;-)
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