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Posted by thecowpokepicker on Friday, August 6, 2010
In heat and humidity, how badly can you mess up the action on a banjo? I know that it messes up the tuning but how long does it take to mess up the action? Just looking for general info on this subject. I want to take my banjo outside and pick but I really don't want to mess up the neck either, the old thing is very dear to my heart and it has an inaccessable truss rod.
Thanks for any info on this subject.
4 comments on “Heat and humidity... when to take out the banjo?”
banjotef Says:
Friday, August 6, 2010 @2:07:07 PM
I think that banjos are more durable than some will imply. I
have had my banjo in my trunk before in hot weather, no more than a couple of hours, and it did not damage it. However, leaving any instrument in the direct sun and heat for an extended period of time will mess it up. I would think that sitting outside and playing would be no trouble.
Oalbrets Says:
Friday, August 6, 2010 @8:27:59 PM
Ihe players at the festivals play them all the time in the heat. Just clip a tuner on the head and go for it.
MikeMayo Says:
Tuesday, August 10, 2010 @8:57:58 AM
The nice thing about banjos is that they stand up to heat and humidity better than most other string instruments. This because of laminated wood necks and pots and synthetic heads, all of which are pretty tough. I had a friend back in my Navy days who used to play his banjo outside in places like Panama and the Presian Gulf. That said, I would not let your banjo bake in a car on a sunny day where it could get so hot that the glue could start to soften, or take it out in the rain if it has a natural skin head. I would say keep an eye on it, but play it wherever you want.
uncledude2000_2000 Says:
Wednesday, August 25, 2010 @4:53:14 PM
Hi cowpokepicker sorry i havn't talked to you about the Huckbee but if give me an email address I'll send pics. Thx Dennis
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