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BanjoFest 2010 will be held on August 11, 2010 at 7:20pm and will benefit Guitars
for Vets, a non-profit organization that enhances the lives of ailing and injured
Veterans by providing them with guitars and music instruction. The project offers
free guitars and lessons to veterans in VA facilities. Proceeds from Banjo Fest will
help establish the program locally. The program will feature German banjoman
Andy Glandt. Combining original tunes with music from America, Ireland, Austra-
lia and Germany. Andy uses several banjo styles and tunings. Andy is returning to
the USA after extensive tours in Europe and Australia. Joining Andy are Minne-
sota banjo players Eli Hoehn and Tom Nechville who will be backed up by several
local musicians and show that the banjo isn’t just for bluegrass. A free tour of
Nechville’s factory and post concert jam session will take place after the concert,
time permitting.
BanjoFest 2010 will be held at the St. Lukes Lutheran Church, 1701 West
Old Shakopee Rd, Bloomington, Minnesota. A $5.00 donation is requested.
Call 952-888-9710
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