Hello to all my "Banjo Buddies". I hope everyone out there is getting to pick alot this summer. Things have been very busy this year and I am looking forward to my new project coming out this Febuary 2011 on Rural Rhythm Christian.
I have a Summer Economy Special on all my CD's avaliable at my website: www.mikescottmusic.com My cd are normally $15.00 each and my "Bill Monroe Tribute Table Edit Instructional cd(compatable for PC or Mac) is normally $20.00.
You can order any cd , or the instructional "Table Edit" cd for..... $12.00 plus shipping. That's a deal! I accect Pay Pal. Just go to my merchandise page on my website. Thanks so much and I hope to see you all soon again out there on the "Banjo Trails."
God Bless!
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