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On my recent voyage I met with Emily who sounds fantastic with her sister Marty on their new Courtyard Hounds group, I became huge friends with Winston from Mumford and sons, and I met lots of Massage therapists and shamans. Here's the start of a new song I'm working on. The only trouble is I can't think of any melody except the obvious one.
Livin' the dream on Planet Telluride - Tom Nechville June 2010
Sippin a Skinny Dip; Watching her hair flip Therapists Shamans cover the soil.
Wanted a backrub after the hot tub The wine in my trunk's beginning to spoil.
Dusty bare feet; Organic threads, dancing friends with squirrel's nest dreads.
I'm going backstage, cause I'm in a big rage to hit the big time before I'm dead.
Livin' the dream back stage at Telluride ; Underneath the star-lit summer sky.
My woman's done gone, but she never done me wrong. Thats why I celebrate tonight with her on my mind.
2 comments on “Livin the dream on Planet Telluride Tom Nechville 2010”
alprice Says:
Wednesday, June 23, 2010 @7:46:37 AM
Can't wait to hear the melody, Tom!
Tedd Says:
Wednesday, June 23, 2010 @9:09:22 AM
You appeal to my hippy roots. Janie needs to get back from Europe to drag you back to Earth....Love it Thomas!
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