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Practice advises

Posted by brunomathilda on Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hello all.

I started to play half a year ago,I"ve been practicing for hours on days after days all those winter months,I'm not so clumsy any more going up and down the neck,I haven't adopted a style of playing per say I learned the basic  blue grass rolls using the net and TT book for a while,but I find it unsatisfactory.

Any one has advices or some tabs wich could make those basics more fun to focus on.

I'm not sure I explain myself to well,I need something that make learning theory a little more fun.

I love to pick 3 fingers style.


2 comments on “Practice advises”

WesBrown Says:
Sunday, June 13, 2010 @5:32:24 AM

First, forget "theory". It's no fun and it messes up your playing. Piano is a "theory" instrument, a banjo is supposed to be fun.
Second, have two beers before starting your practice.
Third, have a young 30-ish fair maiden sit beside you and turn the pages of your tab book while you play.

Alan Munde has a couple books available from Mel Bay (or Janet Davis Music). MODERN 5-STRING BANJO METHOD GRADE 1 mixes up some theory with little exercises that relieve the boredom, and GETTING INTO BLUEGRASS BANJO has some practice routines that I found helpful and can be blended into songs later.

Andyincov Says:
Thursday, April 26, 2012 @7:28:15 AM

every single thing WesBrown says is sound advice, especially the fair maiden bit.

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