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I am glad that there are inexpensive banjos being built today. However, you need to be lucky, or very schooled in banjos in order to find a factory built instrument with the playability to enable a beginner to progress into a discerning player. In many cases, the cheap instrument itself lacks the facility to inspire music from people. While any instrument can get out of adjustment, most regular banjos are difficult or virtually impossible to adjust correctly. This not only goes for the cheap imports, but also for traditionally made high end banjos from the US.
The disappointment I feel when I play other supposedly high quality instruments is what fuels my mission to supply the world with a better banjo. Many banjo builders today are assembling banjos from Chinese parts. They create historically accurate looking copies of old banjos, they are repeating the traditional mistakes of the past. For example, 5 string tailpieces sized for 4 string banjos, and non-compensated flat bridges. I look at banjo with fresh eyes, and as a player, I won't let anything get in the way of the best sound and playability.
As a luthier building and designing the world's most sophisticated banjos, I work with finicky musicians. Whether it's Bela Fleck, Keith Urban, or you, my motive is to make that banjo sing in your hands. Nechville designs are proven over a 25 year history, and now is the time that people are finally discovering the better way to construct a banjo.
4 comments on “Sorry But It's True”
Boog Says:
Thursday, May 27, 2010 @6:23:43 PM
Hi Tom ... I took my Phantom into my favourite local acoustic music store, Myhres Music here in Edmonton and pulled off the resonator and blew them away. These folks have been selling high end instruments for over 40 years, and I can tell you they were impressed! When I told them I did a head and neck adjustment in under 2 minutes (the first time I did one on the instrument), they were even more impressed ;)
I have only one complaint about my Phantom ... the button screws that hold the resonator should be black ... guess that's about it for the complaints department LOL.
garman Says:
Thursday, May 27, 2010 @8:11:04 PM
Here here, the truth indeed. Thanks.
nechville Says:
Thursday, May 27, 2010 @8:53:07 PM
Hey Boog, I do have Black screws now, e mail me
budbennett Says:
Sunday, June 13, 2010 @9:27:31 AM
since i took of my tenor neck and put my 5 string neck back on my nechville pot, my stelling and stealth have not seen the light of day- they're both wishing i'd put the tenor neck back on so they will get played again. the tone of my phantom is so great i just can't get over it. you make fantastic banjos tom.
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