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now whos the worst banjo picker you ever heard,that me tuff to answer
jimh269b Says:
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 @6:03:20 PM
well come on lets hear it
ronhan Says:
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 @6:11:17 PM
Hey Jim. A friend of mine came to camp at a festival several years ago and said, "Hey Ron, I just heard a banjo picker thats worse than you." haha I don't remember the guys name, but unfortunately he wasn't worse than me. :) Ron
sharakeet Says:
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 @6:34:28 PM
my 'friend' larry, during college years, put his guitar back in his case and said to me: '[b]dude, you've got miserable timing[/b]', so I guess it would have to be the guy nobody will pick with?
sharakeet Says:
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 @6:35:36 PM
[pardon the '[typos. seems like i got miserable typing skills to boot!
robin wells Says:
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 @10:13:19 PM
Hey Jim, No such thing as a bad picker, from novice to pro were all good.
RatLer Says:
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @4:12:56 AM
When I play some of my recordings...I'm the worst I've ever heard!!!
Ks_5-picker Says:
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @7:06:59 AM
I've heard a few,who shall remain unnamed,who had a rather tentative grasp on timing. That makes them hard to listen to for me.
RatLer Says:
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @7:41:46 AM
I know a couple guitar pickers that have no timing and they try to sing to it as well...How do you tell them in a nice way?
ragitty Says:
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @12:29:13 PM
Somedays I can claim that title lol
stringbeaner Says:
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @3:28:06 PM
I reckon when you've been playing more than 50 years like we have the bad ones get lost among the good ones. I've known a few bad pickers and if I was able to help them out some, I did. some of the bad ones that didn't get better put it back under the bed and left it there. But over the years I can't say any of them were so bad I could call them the WORST.
Now I do remember one feller who got picked to shreds on a forum a while back whose TASTE was so bad he might qualify but even he had some good points.
dgill Says:
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @5:39:47 PM
Before I would say this about other pickers, I would have to be as good as some of the great ones. Therefore I will say it is I at this point in time. You wait though, I will get there in a few years.
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