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ive had some e-mails on what happened to upper big branch mines that killed 29 miners,i dont know and they may never know what will really happened.,each person in the mines can check the mines to its fullest,of any dangers of methane,roof,low oxygen etc.the real truth is the fed mine inspecters who has the authority to shut what ever may be wrong,they are not experts,they are so coal miners like myself and others ,they can write you a viation for something,guess what if think you cant fix it,they will grant you time to fix it,it may affect 10 men,but they will give time to fix even if it takes 10 or 12 days or so ,now you think about that,in my opion the real problem is the federal gov.but they are the strongest out there,now just in the world how can you beat them,they control our money,taxes for our homes,cars,you name it think about that and they contol the mining industry also,i know for a FACT
smijmk Says:
Sunday, May 2, 2010 @7:14:40 AM
Amen Brother...There ye go thats how it is....The love of money is the root of all evil and if it cost you your life to make some one money. They pay your family a few million which is pocket change to them and continue right on running coal and a mak'in that almight green back dollar they Love so much ...Been there and Know how it works ...
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